Pumpjack . . . poema

by bookindian


. . . I decided to air a recent poem . . .
As Bukowski said, “. . . as close to love poem as I’ll get . . . ”


Pumpjack . . . (Pumpensteckfassung)

. . . a one-cylinder engine . . . one-cylinder fuck engine . . .

Breath huffing with each compression stroke . . . .
“sucker” rod piston-ing . . . slow motion piston action
(Kolbentätigkeit der langsamen Bewegung).

. . . in . . . out . . . up, down

Exhaust stroke . . .

exhale . . .

. . . atmen Sie aus.

Puh! (Hauch)

. . . inhale . . .

Puh! (Hauch)

. . . inhalieren Sie . . .

Puh! (Hauch)

My great-grandfather (großes – Großvater)
had an old one-cylinder gas engine
harnessed to a circular saw blade . . . belt pulley . . .
drove the saw blade . . . steel singing hollow song
as it spun . . .


. . . the exhaust,
a passionate explosion
muffled by orchard trees,
the emptiness
Of a cloudless sky . . .

. . . the drill hole . . .
penis plunger
sucker rod
suctioning . . .
driven by
mindless motor . . .

Wellhead snug,
excess fluids leaking
a dark shadow
. . . under ass cleft (sous la fissure d’âne . . .)

. . . my engine (Maschine) fueled
the heat of her belly . . .

I sense the oil field . . . Signal Hill
walking beam horse heads
(pompes) bobbing up and down
flywheel counterweights
rotating . . . pushing . . . pulling
up . . . down . . . up . . . down . . .

die pumpen
I imagined
behind chain link fences,
pistoning robots . . . Roboter . . .
auto-matic . . .
polishing tiges de polissage (polishing rods)

up . . . down . . .
“sucker rods” . . . erect Fleisch
pushing . . .

invisible pitman
fastened at hip joint
pushing . . . pulling

oily pungence
Open window . . .
rainbow stained ground . . .

The tense slap of pulley belts
In grooved metal
iron counter weights rotating . . .
metallic groans . . .


an invisible fog
Seeping into the ears . .

Walking” beams . . .
oversize “dippy” birds . . .

“Horse Pferdenköpfe heads” pushing, pulling . . .
slender steel
Lifting on the upstroke
dragging black oil up
from the depths
. . . pulling . . . suctioning

the viscous crude
up out of the darkness . . .

Up, down . . .
whrrrr . . . clank . . . whrrrr . . .
metal on metal . . . clank ( . . . Klirren).
. . . up-stroke apogee . . . slight hesitation

Bushings . . . wrist pins . . .
dark grease oozing from joints,
motionless . . .

a split second . . .

the compression stroke
resumes . . . down,

. . . Five deep, two shallow . . .
only works when fokka . . . te faire foutre.

. . . down . . .


Up . . .



. . . mouth slightly open (bouche légèrement ouverte) . . .
Her mouth open (. . . sa bouche ouverte)


. . . breasts wobbling . . . (flatternde Brüste)
(Ihre flatternden Brüste)


. . . with each downstroke


. . . compressing (Zusammendrücken) . . . Puh!

I woke up . . .
tick of my bedside clock

. . . exhalation
a one cylinder engine . . .

soft explosion
against my face . . .
. . . in my dream . . .

. . . des yeux s’est fermée (the eyes closed).
