Old school – NEW world

Bridging the gap . . .

Tag: petroglyphs

Well . . . just sittin’ here thinking watching the sky for what might be a UFO . . . the mothership cloaked in a circular cloud . . . lenticular majesty hovering over this here yamatani . . . eating my oatmeal with diced pears and drinking pruney juice with that marimba from Zappa’s Inca Roads sounding in woody stillness of the ether . . . t.v. white noise masked by electric fan hum of space heater . . . keeping the pending cold snap at bay . . . wondering WHY YouTubers can’t do anything other than review other people’s work or jump on the “trend” wagon . . . posting content shit just cos it be “trendy” . . . you know like . . . like every fucking Tuber got to say crap like “subscribe” and “push the notification bell” . . . WTF?!

Pressure relief valve just popped . . . vented some steam . . .

I feel mo bettah na-ow . . .

Speaking of Patti Smith . . . “Birdland” specifically . . . when I first red the song title on the album notes I thot the song was going to be about Charlie Parker . . . you know jazz bebop sax cat . . . “Bird” . . . OMFG! SURPRISE!! . . . it’s about . . . dream of the mothership . . . William Blake . . . everybody got to believe . . . in something.

Listen . . . Patti Smith’s “Birdland” is out there . . . on the fucking edge . . . dark emotional . . . and the Kate Bush “Cloudbuster” song is just infantile shit musically & storywise relying on visuals (video) telling you wat to think . . . no imagination altho both songs were “inspired” by Peter Reich’s “A Book of Dreams”.

Yeh . . . I red the book . . . and maybe Katie’s fans should give a listen to some Patti Smith . . . or read the “Birdland” lyrics . . . or the goddam book . . . there’s a kindle version.

Gone . . . gone to the other side . . . svaha-ha . . . Heart or Diamond Sutra . . . I forgot which . . . Yo! . . . Heart Sūtra mantra Bubba . . . mentioned it before . . . Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha . . . “completely gone to the further shore” . . . you can chant this while listening to “Birdland” or Charlie Parker.

UFO majix

That ‘ol u-f-o magik got me in a spin . . . on the road to Mayan landscape to clear up some ancient alien misinformation once and all . . . all this talk bout that glyph what’s s’posed to be a fucking pre-Colombian astronaut down somewheres in Mexico Central America somewhere . . .

. . . “Houston . . .we have ignition.” . . . “flames” under the reclining figure . . . awaiting vibrations of lift-off to hurl Maj. Tom in stone tin can replica through that mythical hymen . . . into space.

Wait just a fucking minute mister ancient alien el Greco a.k.a. Georgio . . . that ain’t no astronaut! it’s Mayan personality about to . . . gettin’ ready to . . . to descend into the darkness of the underworld . . . Xibalba . . . dint you do the knowledge before you show the world yer bullshit fake news?

Astronaut my ass . . . ancient aliens . . . extraterrestrials . . . the carved flames are a symbol . . . symbolic . . . a Mayan representation of the subterranean land of the dead.

Xibalba was the name the K’iche Maya gave to the underworld.

And the glyph that el Greco uses to illustrate his ancient astronaut hypothesis is none other than the Mayan lord Pakal the Great descending into Xibalba . . . all this extraterrestrial nonsense is monotheistic syncretism . . . uh . . . say WHAT?! . . . yeh big words Bubba.

All I’m saying is that the so-called “alien/extraterrestrial astronauts” depicted on canyon walls etc. pictographs & petroglyphs . . . represent mythological beings of non-Christian indigenous people . . . B.C. before Christ Christmas & Columbus. . . . not GODS or stupid-ass astronauts . . . anthropomorphic beings!

Hmmm. . . yeh . . . I don’t be no post hole digger (Ph.D) locked in the dimness of academic asylum closet . . . no Discovery (sic) or History (sick) Channel misinformation generator . . . I’m referring to the use of visual aids 3 second vis blips thumbnail shit (photographs) . . . used to allude to . . . to suggest that something is what it is not . . . like the Edward S. Curtis imagery of yei-bit-chei ceremonial people used to suggest that they are photos of the “vengeful” skinwalker . . . y’all know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!

It’s like pow-wow dancers tricked-out in feather & beads fancy yarn regalia represents all us indige . . . oops . . . I meant “native Americans” . . .

Yer prolly wondering how the hell I got here . . . well a “thank you” to this can’t-stop-preening talking-head YouTuber freaking on Frank Zappa’s “Inca Roads” . . . . I know the Inca were down in Peru! . . . just tryin’ to let you see how my mind works . . . sorting through the the detritus in the gray matter as I stream through subliminal consciousness.

My fav Zappa tune is “Willy the Pimp” from the album “Hot Rats” you know the one with the infrared cover photo . . . methinks the person peep over the wall might be UltraViolet of New York underground fame.

Well, that’s it for naow . . . Ciao.


Voluminous white clouds . . . weatherman says slight chance of precipitation . . . WTF?! . . . it’s the goddamn monsoon season! Supposed to get rain!

Ain’t gonna happen though . . . you can count on that . . . this is the high desert and we only get like 2-3 inches at the most . . . per year . . . something like that . . . maybe it’s 4 inches I don’t know . . . makes no difference to me . . . when it rains it rains.

Hmmm . . . skeptical old geezer.

I don’t often just give up on books . . . like Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” or Ezra Pound’s “Cantos” . . . for no reason . . . I just put them aside for a rainy day . . . I did read the “Rockdrill Cantos” by Pound . . . I think he wrote those while he was in prison in Italy . . . otherwise I prefer to listen the recordings of him reading his stuff.

What I want to say is . . . this book “Hunt for the Skinwalker” that I been trying read for several days just got closed . . . for good . . . oh I’ll open it again to make notes . . . Make sure I’m not misquoting something . . . but when I got to Chapter 12 . . . “Science” . . . everything started to turn to shit . . .

I probably mentioned this before but I reiterate: I had a photography instructor at UCLA who dispensed a bit of wisdom for my benefit . . . she said, “Don’t let your photography become precious . . if you do it will turn to shit.”

When the “world class” cognoscenti arrived at tha Ranch back in late 1990’s . . . “the hunter became the hunted” or so “they” said . . . packing high tech paraphernalia PhD’s and big egos . . . in the end . . . no fucking evidence to support their braggadocio.

A ten line paragraph (all one sentence) sums up their pathetic “scientific investigation” and ends with the cryptic “What If it happened to you?”

Precious . . . too fucking precious . . . but you sure can talk-the-PhD talk.

Some things still bother me . . . like Chapter 19 “The Tunnel” . . . two investigators are out at night watching for anomalous happenings when one sees a mysterious light . . . he grabs the night vision binoculars to take a closer look . . . his partner is fumbling around trying get his camera on the tripod . . . meanwhile investigator #1 is babbling something about he can see . . . a tunnel in the light and #2 say, “lemme see . . .”

#1 says, “I can see a creature crawling out the tunnel!”

#2 says, “LEMME SEE !!”

#1 got a death grip on the binocs wailing about the big black thing crawling out of the tunnel . . . finally says, “it’s out and walking away . . .!!”

They go down to the spot where the tunnel was . . . smell of sulphur near the spot . . . creature’s long gone.

No photos . . . #2 dint get to see the thing . . . Oh shit !!

They go back to the “command” shack to report.

The first part of the book . . . Part 1 has some good data especially Chapter 3 “The Basin”. . . if you lookup Gilsonite what you find is very interesting. Oil shale . . . oil sand . . . petrochemical stuff . . .

Was out in Wyoming once-upon-a-time long ago . . . out by Hamilton Dome oil field prowling around . . . Owl Creek . . . Cottonwood Creek . . . Wagon hound Flat . . . Coal Draw . . . inhaling good ol H2S . . . Hydrogen Sulphide . . . .a gas that’s present in geothermal landscapes . . . odorless invisible . . . deadly unless in minute quantities of course . . . walking where the dinosaurs once roamed storing the Water Monster and Cannibal Owl petroglyph imagery in the old gray matter . . . no evil vengeful things . . . but I saw things that stirred forgotten memories . . . things I heard about and forgot . . . so I put two and two together and watched my step not because of the rattlesnakes but because I saw things and put 2 and 2 together . . .

I stood on the sandstone bluff looking down at the meander of Cottonwood Creek . . . I saw what appeared to be evidence of a partially collapsed tunnel leading from the base of the cliff to the watercourse . . . returning to the bottom of the escarpment I saw a figure etched on a large boulder midst a jumble of other boulders . . . a petroglyph depicting a large anthropomorphic creature about six feet tall . . . it was located at a point about 3 meters from the “end” of the “tunnel” feature I had observed when standing on top of the bluff.

Hmmm . . . and you say, “. . . so?”

It’s all about perspective . . . where yer standing . . . how you perceive things . . . what you know . . . and what you don’t.

What’s this all about? It’s about remembering you spent beaucoup $$$ on that PhD and it don’t mean nothin’ . . . it got “precious” and now it’s shit.

And that’s why all the “world-class” scientific research people out at tha Ranch can’t provide defensible data . . . they be stuck in they own precious mudhole.

Meanwhile I was standing thinking about what I saw and I what know . . . what I don’t know . . . putting 2 and 2 together . . . what I know about the mythos of the indige that came to the place in Wyoming where I was now standing long before I got here . . . and what I don’t know.

I know about the things that hydrogen sulphide can do . . . like kill yer sorry ass instantly . . . it also changes . . . alters . . . some physiological things . . . body chemistry. . . perception . . . it can fuck with yer mind . . . but I just said that.

“Scientific investigators” are too busy trying to record electromagnetic fields or looking for visible/invisible phenomena to record . . . what they be looking for is right in front of them . . . in plain sight and I don’t mean them bullshit ancient Phoenician glyphs out by Keeler in California . . . I been there.

It seems the Navajo people say their ancestors emerged near what is now Durango CO . . . don’t know exactly where that is but I think it’s somewhere up near the La Plata Mountains in Colorado not Mexico.

That would theoretically put the Sherman Ranch within the cultural “sphere of influence” of the Navajo belief system . . . the outer northern edge of the sphere . . . theoretically.

So what . . .

Utes came from somewhere out in the direction of California-Nevada . . . Uto-Aztecan lingo . . . same as me . . . theoretically.

And what did I see . . . ?

A “tunnel “ . . . a figure of something etched on a sandstone boulder and Cottonwood Creek nearby heading for the Bighorn River out somewhere south of Worland . . . I’ll let you add that up.

Y’all have a good day.

Bringing It All Home

A Coyote Story (2020)

I’d better insert a disclaimer: The views, thoughts and opinions expressed herein belong solely to the author and are not to be construed as pertaining to any other group or individual, indigenous or otherwise. There, done.

LS, my dads father, was talking about the Coyote and how he’d mistakenly thought a song he heard one day was his “doctor” song coming to him. T.C. (The Coyote) was walking along talking to himself when he heard singing . . . faint . . . drifting on the breeze. He stopped so he could hear better . . . “Yes,” he said, “that must be my doctor song. I heard that when you get up in age you might become a doctor and that’s my doctor song coming to me. Yaa-pah!”

What he actually heard was the Cottontail singing, and if he’d listened carefully to the words, he would have known he wasn’t hearing a “doctor” song.

Let me clarify what’s meant when I’m say “doctor “ . . . I don’t be referring to a medical doctor M.D.

When the old people has something wrong with them they send for a “doctor” . . . Indian doctor. No medicine man shaman mumbo jumbo . . . the Indian doctor will “talk” to you find out what’s the problem. If you need some medicine they get the plants can fix you . . . if somebody’s talking witchery they will go and tell them “Stop talkin’ shit – you know what’s gonna happen you keep talkin’ that way.”

Anyway, to put an end to this . . . the Coyote wasn’t on no “vision quest”. . . he was just out doing things Coyotes do . . . up to no good most likely.

Where is this going?

Sometime around 2003 I co-authored a paper about the possible use/purpose of petroglyph panels in Lower Renegade Canyon (Little Petroglyph Canyon, NAWS China Lake).

If you be familiar with petroglyphs you’ll know that they are abstract representations of humans, animals, birds, etcetera . . . then you also have pecked geometric shapes and patterns curvilinear lines dots all sorts of nonobjective detritus . . . early Juan Miro without color.

Well . . . after the gathered rock art cognoscenti heard the paper, they was rolling on floor laughing . . . cos we dint have no track record no PhD . . . in other words no rhetorical paper bullshit gathering dust in some obscure file cabinet corner. Not only did we lack academic “credibility” . . . but we also lacked anthropological “visibility” . . .

That’s just the “exposition” of the theme . . . the variations followed. O.K. Now where was I?

So some years later (in the past 2 weeks) I built a MOC . . . a figure made up of miscellaneous bits and pieces of old Bionicle snap together figures that I had in my collection of stuff from the past. MOC is an acronym for My Own Creation.

So what did I build?

I made a fétiche, a physical manifestation derived from all the anthropomorphic petroglyphs that I had seen during my numerous archaeological survey field trips at NAWS China Lake . . . a 21st century relicant of a being from OVP mythology . . . the Coyote.

*fétiche – (religion) fetish, idol

Sculpture se limite à des fétiches et des représentations de dieux toujours de petites dimensions. (Claude Lévi-Strauss, Anthropologie 1958) trans. – sculpture is limited to fetishes and representations of gods always small.

This ain’t the “trickster” no, no . . . it’s the Coyote . . . “T.C.”

In Navajo mythology he is known as the Reckless Coyote.

The name “trickster” is like the word “Native American” . . . a generic term, politically incorrect . . . the latter coined by the Federal Gov’t to avoid having to comply with CFR 25 policy . . . and “trickster” by Academia . . . thank you Gerald Visenor et al, purveyors of the “trickster” mythos.

T.C. is a clown, not the present day psychotic Halloween freak, but what Tony Hillerman called a “sacred” clown . . . a persona there to remind you and me that we aren’t who we think ourselves to be, but rather mere mortals.

Mythologically, a double edged sword . . . supernatural, at the same time human.

I’ve seen the ceremonial clowns at Taos Pueblo during the San Geronimo Day festivities, and I’ve seen the Navajo Yeibichei “clown”. The Apache have a similar figure and the Puebloan people have the “koshare.”

And that’s the concept for the figure, the “why” . . . the Owens Valley Paiute (OVP) dint have no Geronimo no Crazy Horse no Emiliano Zapata no Caesar Chavez or Tony Stark . . . the OVP only have The Coyote.

My fétiche wags the proverbial finger at you if you get “too full a yo’sef” . . . he’s there to let you know that he sees through the sham, the artifice . . . because, in reality it’s you who’s the “trickster.“

The Coyote stories are the Aesop’s Fables of the OVP . . . there’s a moral in the Coyotes misadventures.

Anthropologists have tagged the Coyote stories “The Coyote Cycle” . . . . tricycle . . . bicycle . . . they don’t say.

But as Brer Rabbit said, “Please Brer Fox, don’t trow me in da briar patch, whatever youse do, jus’ don’t trow me in da briar patch.” Or something like that . . . you know the rest.

Y’all have a good day.

Trash day . . .

A little something from yesterday . . .


and the day before.


Updating the past . . . Old school NEW world, neh?

zhee-klay all the way . . .

Actually the word is spelled giclee . . . it was “coined in 1991 by printmaker Jack Dugann for fine art digital prints made on inkjet printers. The name originally applied to fine art prints created on IRIS printers in a process invented in the late 1980s but has since come to mean any inkjet print.

A lot of “artists” frown on the use of inkjet printers to create multiples of their or any two-dimensional “art” . . . David Hockney received funding from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to produce “fine art” prints using commercial processes instead of traditional stone and metal plate lithography back in the 1980’s.

Most people don’t give a rats ass about “fine art” . . . they buy reproductions of “The Night Watch” and “Blue Boy” to hang on the living room wall or a NASCAR poster of Dale Earnhardt . . . or Elvis Presleyy painted on black velvet bought at a local flea market.

So inkjet reproductions are practical . . . and like the man said, you can print on demand after the BAT (bon a tirer) or final proof approved for printing is “pulled”.

I snagged an image off the Internet and copied it from the screen of my iPad 2 with the iPod Touch 5G using the Hipstamatic double exposure app, then I ran the image through PhotoForge 2, Doublexposure Pro, Camera 4 Line Art + (C4LA) but not in that sequence.

Digital zhee-klay . . .

the Hipstamatic image

. . . after PhotoForge 2


C4LA rendering

the finale . . . after Doublexposure Pro.
Combined the C4LA render and the PhotoForge 2 color image for the final after a bit of tweaking (contrast, lighting and saturation) with the PhotoForge 2 control knobs.

Now if ever I need the image, it’s waiting in my archive . . . for reference.

Oh . . . the original Internet image was a pic of some rock art (petroglyph) from Legend Rock in Wyoming.

And, what’s the difference between a giclee print and a CD/DVD of your fave opera or concerto or movie ?? A big thanks to Graham Nash for understanding the need for high quality digital reproductions of photographs which led to “zhee-klay” . . . thankyouveddymuch !!

the great nature . . .


I was out in the naturale visiting some cultural resource today . . . it was a bit overcast so contrast was low . . . no harsh shadows.


Bumped contrast & brightness to enhance the pecked images . . . over time the pecked elements began re-acquire a patina caused by atmospheric change (wind, rain, snow, the sun) and the images begin to lose definition and become less visible.


A lot of academics have backed themselves into corners with their thesis or dissertation regarding the “interpretation” of petroglyphs . . . however, if there is no living practitioner to support their data, then their arguments are mere supposition . . . and I said that.

Nikon Coolpix weapon of choice . . . PhotoForge 2 mods . . .

Petroglyphs . . . again

. . . revisited the petroglyphs of Tuesday past . . . unless some serious management of the accessible petroglyph sites is implemented by the Bureau of Land Management, the value of this unique resource will drop to zero . . . visitors climbing or walking on the panels, shooting, attempting to remove sections of panels, and re-pecking or adding to existing imagery, will eventually ruin the sites, destroying any remaining archaeological or visual significance of the sites . . . If you access the petroglyphs sites for the first time, do not expect to see anything like cliff dwellings, ruins or pictographs . . . “this ain’t the southwest . . .”


. . . anyway, I accompanied two people on a tour of the sites I visited on Tuesday and shot more photos with the Canon 10D, primarily as a visual document of the features ca. 2010, for my personal library . . . focused on the Red Canyon site (personal site designation).




It was a good day for photos . . . slightly overcast and no wind.



The following two images are from an isolated boulder . . . reminders of the settling of the eastern Sierra region.


Did you stop for a soak at Keough’s Hot Springs? They used to have a community easter egg hunt there every year, many, many moons ago.


. . . on the way home, I turned off highway 395 to visit a “pictograph” site that I monitor on a fairly regular basis, a local site I call “the silos” . . .


I have the Ms. Pacman app on my iPod Touch . . .



This was the first time I photographed the silos in the late afternoon.



Although graffiti can be crap, the more elaborate panels provide some insight into a subset of the regional culture, in this case, a young adult (16-25) group . . . familiar with psychedelics, THC, and alcohol. Some of the visual content has been sprayed over with new paint, however, there are several sections here that have been untouched for more that 12 months.

Road trip . . .

I took a day off and accompanied my daughter and two friends on a day-trip to Chalfant Valley and the Volcanic Tableland north of Bishop CA – went to see petroglyphs.


The volcanic tuff at the Chalfant site is succumbing to the elements and vandals much faster than I had anticipated.


A new “user friendly” barrier has replaced the chain-link fence . . .






The photos above are from the primary group of Chalfant panels and contain elements not typical of the cultural landscape of the volcanic tableland. I’ve seen similar “shield” motifs at the Castle Gardens Site in Wyoming and a couple of sites in southern Inyo county.

I noticed new attempts to remove small sections of two panels . . . here’s one . . .


. . . glad I did an extensive photo-documentation of the Chalfant site a number of years ago.

We also visited Red Canyon . . .


. . . older removal of a panel section using a gasoline powered masonry saw . . .


and an attempt by someone to camouflage some almost historic (1968) vandalism – the same set of initials can be found at the Fish Slough site, several miles to the south.


Examples of the Public Land Use/Tea Party mentality at work in both instances . . .

and then the Chidago site . . .


. . . finally ending up at Fish Slough. WHAT, no photos . . . ?? But here’s a link that has all the necessary information about how-to-find . . . uh . . . petroglyphs (not approved by BLM).

The group had a late lunch at Las Palmas Taqueria. a Mexican restaurant in Bishop . . . the portions are H-U-G-E and good.

I shot the photos with my “retro” Pentax Optio . . . 4.0 megapixels and the beast is s-o-o-o-o handy . . . the Optio is the size of a pack of cigarettes. I shot a bit of video footage with my old Flip video cam.